Combat Robots

At regular intervals, we organize exciting robot battles where participants can showcase their remote-controlled combat creations and test their skills! These tournament-style battles serve as a platform to cultivate, enhance, and discuss these remarkable robots, as they provide an excellent opportunity to engage with the electronics community while enjoying themselves. We would like to emphasize that these events welcome individuals of all ages, regardless of their experience level. To aid participants in constructing their robots, we offer support and access to Innovation Spark and EPO, and many of the necessary components can be conveniently obtained from our store shelves. Don't forget to visit our store and join our mailing list to receive timely notifications about upcoming battles!

Fall 2023

Join the September 16, 2023 Tournament by completing the registration: Join the Tournament on September 16, 2023 by registering now:

Sign up to participate in the Tournament on November 18, 2023: Secure your place in the competition set to take place on November 18, 2023:

Please locate the files for a robotic design at this location: Please locate the files for a robotic design at this location.

December 2020

This tournament saw a total of 26 robots participating, all evenly positioned in our parking lot. The credit for organizing this captivating event goes to Innovation Spark, who also brought us the sensational Houston Maker Fair! Collaborating with our neighboring small business, Mikes Ice House, we went the extra mile to offer a delectable spread of BBQ and a variety of genuine American culinary delights. Needless to say, it was an absolute blast, and our goal is to organize more of such events in the future, welcoming bigger crowds and showcasing a myriad of remarkable robots!